Saturday, October 7, 2017

Mass of Remembrance

It was the best of times.  The world was not with us. We shared the Eucharist in the most intimate Mass from the hands and the heart of our beloved Pastor.  

Photos are coming.

Friday, October 6, 2017

Sunday's Homily 10/08/17

by Bishop Robert Barron October 08, 2017
Today's readings pose a question: how are we tending the vineyard? We have received so much from God, but are we making the world fruitful? Are we responding to the Lord’s invitation with the works of justice, love, peace, chastity, respect for others? Or are we more or less killing the messengers?

Mass Readings

Reading 1 - Isaiah 5:1-7
Psalm - Psalm 80:9-20
Reading 2 - Philippians 4:6-9
Gospel - Matthew 21:33-43

After Our Lady's Procession 09/10/17 

The Old Adobe Rosary

Thank you for stopping to pray.  We know of no easier way for you to say your Rosary than to follow along with Christian Peschken here at the Old Adobe Mission. 

Easy as Pie.  Just Click on today's Sound Bar below.

Sunday's Glorious Mysteries

Monday's Joyful Mysteries

Tuesday's Sorrowful Mysteries

Wednesday's Glorious Mysteries

Thursday's Luminous Mysteries

Friday's Sorrowful Mysteries

Saturday's Joyful Mysteries

The Old Adobe Mission, Scottsdale, Arizona

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