Tuesday, July 23, 2024

Lady of Guadalupe

Dear Diary,

This morning, Sister Mary Claire, and I walked to church together. The gravel road crunched softly beneath our feet as we made our way, the morning air crisp and the sky painted with the gentle hues of dawn. Mini trotted beside us, her little paws tapping lightly, while the geese honked from afar. The journey to the church, though familiar, always fills me with a sense of peace and anticipation, especially with Sister Mary Claire by my side.

Mass was as beautiful as ever. Father LeRoy’s voice resonated with warmth and conviction. His homily today was particularly touching. He spoke about Our Lady of Guadalupe, reminding us of her miraculous appearance and the profound impact she has had on the Catholic faith. Father LeRoy shared a passage from a book he intends to donate to our Little Lending Library.

"A hundred years ago the author of the Pensil Americano ventured the assertion that the Miracle of Holy Mary of Guadalupe (Gwa-da-loó-pay) was 'a prodigy which, in all its circumstances, will ever be heard of with transports of admiration.' I wish the prediction may prove as true for my readers as it has for many others. The Guadalupan story is unmixingly admirable: it needs but fair telling to win every Catholic heart."

Hearing these words stirred something deep within me. Father Leroy’s dedication to enriching our spiritual lives is truly inspiring. His intention to add this insightful book to our library will surely be a blessing for our small community. I can’t wait to read more about the miracles and stories of Our Lady of Guadalupe.

After Mass, as Sister Mary Claire and I walked back home, I felt a renewed sense of faith and wonder. Mini barked playfully, and I couldn’t help but smile, thinking about the day’s lessons and the beauty of our faith.

As the day comes to a close, I offer a little evening prayer:

"Dear Lord, thank You for the gift of this day, for the beauty of our faith, and for the companionship of Sister Mary Claire and Mini. Thank You for Father LeRoy’s wisdom and the inspiring story of Our Lady of Guadalupe. Guide us in Your light and keep us close to Your heart. Amen."

With love, Kathy

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